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Equipment is customizable gear that directly impacts combat abilities of units. There are hundreds of cosmetics, but most items of the same equipment category will work exactly the same in battle. While all races have a wide variety of cosmetics, most do not use equipment to alter their stats.
There are many weapons that provide special attack bonuses. Examples of these elemental modifiers are fire or explosive damage, or a chance at status effects. Likewise, some defensive item variants offer additional resistance to elements. The trade-off for these elemental effects on gear is either decreased damage, increased weight, or decreased defense.
Equipment | ||
Helm | No Helm: Maximum damage, no defense, high dodge chance
Electric Resist(?) Fire Resist(?) Ice Resist(?) Acid Resist(?) Poison Resist(?) Dodge(?) |
Available to: Human, Cyclops, Pixie, Zombie, Spidaur |
Light Cap: Slightly reduces damage, low defense, medium dodge chance
Electric Resist(?) Fire Resist(✔) Ice Resist(?) Acid Resist(?) Poison Resist(?) Dodge(?) |
Available to: Human, Cyclops, Pixie, Zombie, Spidaur | |
Medium Helmet: Reduces damage, medium defense, minimal dodge chance
Electric Resist(✔) Fire Resist(✔) Ice Resist(✔) Acid Resist(?) Poison Resist(✔) Dodge(?) |
Available to: Human, Cyclops, Pixie, Zombie, Spidaur | |
Heavy Helmet: Greatly reduces damage, high defense, no dodge chance
Electric Resist(?) Fire Resist(✔) Ice Resist(?) Acid Resist(?) Poison Resist(✔) Dodge(?) |
Available to: Human, Cyclops, Pixie, Zombie, Spidaur | |
Melee Weapon | Light Sword: Strikes twice and ignores part of target's dodge chance, bestows dodge chance; lower damage against helmets
Weight Reduction(✔) Defense Increase(✔) Damage Increase(✔) Explosive(?) Penetration(?) Confusion(✔) Stun(?) Fling(?) Electric(✔) Fire(✔) Ice(✔) Acid(?) Poison(✔) Dodge(✔) Crit(✔) |
Available to: Human, Cyclops, Gorgon |
Medium Sword: Medium damage, swings once, lower damage against helmets
Weight Reduction(?) Defense Increase(✔) Damage Increase(✔) Explosive(✔) Penetration(✔) Confusion(?) Stun(?) Fling(?) Electric(✔) Fire(✔) Ice(?) Acid(?) Poison(✔) Dodge(✔) Crit(✔) |
Available to: Human, Cyclops, Gorgon | |
Heavy Sword: Highest Damage,swings once, lower damage against helmets
Weight Reduction(?) Defense Increase(✔) Damage Increase(?) Explosive(✔) Penetration(✔) Confusion(?) Stun(?) Fling(?) Electric(✔) Fire(✔) Ice(✔) Acid(✔) Poison(✔) Dodge(✔) Crit(✔) |
Available to: Human, Cyclops, Gorgon | |
Mallet: Bonus damage against medium and heavy helmets
Weight Reduction(✔) Defense Increase(✔) Damage Increase(?) Explosive(?) Penetration(?) Confusion(?) Stun(✔) Fling(✔) Electric(✔) Fire(✔) Ice(?) Acid(✔) Poison(✔) Dodge(✔) Crit(✔) |
Available to: Human, Cyclops | |
Heavy Mallet: Bonus damage against medium and heavy helmets
Weight Reduction(?) Defense Increase(?) Damage Increase(?) Explosive(✔) Penetration(?) Confusion(?) Stun(✔) Fling(?) Electric(?) Fire(?) Ice(?) Acid(?) Poison(?) Dodge(?) Crit(?) |
Available to: Cyclops | |
Off-Hand | Thrown: No defense, allows the user to attack at range
Weight Reduction(?) Defense Increase(?) Damage Increase(?) Explosive(✔) Penetration(?) Confusion(?) Stun(✔) Fling(?) Electric(?) Fire(?) Ice(?) Acid(?) Poison(?) Dodge(?) Crit(?) |
Available to: Human, Cyclops |
Net: No defense, allows the user to throw a net with a range of 2 hexes with a high chance to snare the target | Available to: Human, Cyclops | |
Small Shield: very low chance to counter melee attacks, very low chance to block projectiles
Electric Resist(?) Fire Resist(?) Ice Resist(?) Acid Resist(?) Poison Resist(?) Dodge(?) |
Available to: Human, Cyclops | |
Medium Shield: slight chance to counter melee attacks, medium chance to block projectiles
Electric Resist(?) Fire Resist(?) Ice Resist(?) Acid Resist(?) Poison Resist(?) Dodge(?) |
Available to: Human, Cyclops | |
Large Shield: gives small defense boost, moderate chance to counter melee attacks, high chance to block projectiles
Electric Resist(?) Fire Resist(✔) Ice Resist(✔) Acid Resist(?) Poison Resist(?) Dodge(?) |
Available to: Human, Cyclops | |
Ranged Weapon | Short Range Weapon: Usable in melee or close range. Does not turn the unit into Ranged. Medium Counter Chance.
Weight Reduction(?) Defense Increase(?) Damage Increase(?) Explosive(✔) Penetration(✔) Confusion(?) Stun(✔) Fling(?) Electric(?) Fire(✔) Ice(?) Acid(?) Poison(?) Dodge(?) Crit(✔) |
Available to: Human |
Small Bow: Long range, fires up to 6 times, lowest damage per shot, accuracy increases as distance from target decreases
Weight Reduction(?) Defense Increase(?) Damage Increase(?) Explosive(✔) Penetration(?) Confusion(✔) Stun(✔) Fling(?) Electric(✔) Fire(?) Ice(✔) Acid(?) Poison(?) Dodge(?) Crit(?) |
Available to: Human | |
Medium Bow: Medium range, fires up to 4 times, higher damage per shot, accuracy increases as distance from target decreases
Weight Reduction(?) Defense Increase(?) Damage Increase(?) Explosive(✔) Penetration(✔) Confusion(?) Stun(?) Fling(?) Electric(✔) Fire(?) Ice(✔) Acid(?) Poison(?) Dodge(?) Crit(?) |
Available to: Human | |
Mortar: Very long range, cannot attack enemies within a short distance
Weight Reduction(?) Defense Increase(?) Damage Increase(?) Explosive(✔) Penetration(✔) Confusion(?) Stun(✔) Fling(?) Electric(?) Fire(?) Ice(✔) Acid(?) Poison(?) Dodge(?) Crit(?) |
Available to: Human |