Pit People Wiki
Working Stiffs
"Harry Hardboil and the case of someone on his case."
Quest Type City Quest
World All
Difficulty 3 Skulls
Location Hardboil Detective Agency

Working Stiffs is a quest that can be picked up from the quest board at the city gate. It is the first part in Harry Hardboil's quest line.

Objectives[ | ]

  • Defend Detective Hardboil.
  • Defeat Smarticus' lackeys.

Progression[ | ]

  1. Working Stiffs
  2. Invalid Loggin'
  3. Get Smart

Appearing Characters[ | ]

  • Detective Harry Hardboil
  • Red Velvet
  • Smarticus
  • Flinch

Recruited Characters[ | ]

  • Flinch: He can be captured if you let Hardboil die. After he dies you can recruit Flinch normally with a net.

Trivia[ | ]

  • Quest completion message: Guess who won't have to play it again, Sam?
  • Quest failure message: Your failure was less of a mystery.